Hardscapes enhance Landscapes…..

After 45 years experience of  surveying and hardscaping ( dry stack stone wall construction and brick paving ) I have decided to help contractors in my trade and share my knowledge. My personal contractors forum is www.cotswoldgardens.com.

With the help and massive support of Unilock I have been afforded a platform. A brand new Tec center built in Aurora Illinois to hold seminars  and an annual tour ofthe Midwest of America to talk live to nearly 2000 contractors.

I discuss, building a company specifically by concentrating on labour rates and what YOU need to charge to stay in business, selling to the customer, the importance of web site development, and will hold future classes in designing with Uvision ( specifically designed for Unilock and their product range ). I will teach land surveying too.

I also host a contractors talk forum, for Unilock contractors only, aimed at sharing information.

I will blog from here, this new web site, as steam picks up !

Thanks for joining and reading as I develop this new format.








Stone in love with yews!